Thursday, 04 July 2024
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Attach any high resolution images, logos or sponsors you want incorporated with your design. Include any additional instruction in the blank box at the bottom. Or just pick your team's colors and let our artists go to work!
You can also include any Big League designs to use as a template for your own design. Check out our most popular designs here. Remember: All Big League jerseys are custom made, which means ALL designs can be customized - Change the team name, colors, add a sponsor, etc.

Once you submit your Art Request, you'll be prompted to make a $35 art deposit. Keep in mind: That $35 deposit will go toward your total on team orders of 10+ jerseys/items. Captains, think of it as a down payment on your own jersey.
After submitting your Art Request and Art Deposit, you can expect a mockup via email in the next 2–3 business days. That email with include your custom design, along with instruction on how to make further changes, or proceed with placing your order.
Once you've approved your design with our Art Department, fill out the Online Roster Form. For sizing information, please refer to our Size Chart page.
After you submit your order, we will email you an invoice with payment information. You can see our Price List or use our Package Calculator for discounts on multiple apparel items.
Once the design is approved and payment for the order is made, you're all set. Jerseys can be expected in 3–4 weeks (or an additional week for other garments). Please note: Production of shorts, pants, hoodies, hats or any other items may take longer. Orders including garments other than jerseys are not included in the Big League 20 Day Guarantee.
If you have any questions, the best way to reach us is via email at by phone at 707-LEAGUE-4, or find your answer over on our FAQ page.

big leage set the post as Normal priority — 2 months ago
big leage set the type of the post as  Task — 2 months ago
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